21 January 2010

Breast as Brush Auction is February 15th

Monday, February 15th  6pm-8pm

February 4-7   +  February 11-14

09 January 2010


re: Solution

Farm Field by Shane Darwent
Western Colorado 

"The picture is of a vast farm field in Western Colorado, an image I made this summer while on a cross country bicycle ride with my girlfriend.  This trip marked the mid point of a year of nomadic rambles for us.  We lived pretty much rent free this year and have been coast to coast twice with a couple of trips to the Gulf thrown in.  We have been looking forward to settling down in a town for some time now and it feels really good to be somewhere and begin to be a part of the community.  The vast field then, represents our unknown future in Chattanooga and the empty rows represent the potential for anything to grow.  We are both looking to be vendors at the farmers market this year so that might be a literal interpretation of our hopes for the new year."

08 January 2010

new year - no fear

Guess what? We've decided that our little gallery will also show the works of painters and other artists working beyond the photographic and video arts. Our devotion and passion for photography and digital media is still paramount and we hope to be showing many revolutionaries and underground artists in those mediums this year. Including completely new work coming straight outta the Asher Love Studio. More news coming soon. Meanwhile - here is an original painting by Asher Mendonsa in the Studio Gallery. Also showing: "Flight Of The Pink Robot" video short.

05 January 2010

status: 1st submission for re:Solution received. unique Art event at the gallery in feb is coooool. stay tuned. Paul Fontana solo in March. September Gallery Hop Artist TBA!!! Asher says: painters too!

04 January 2010


we make resolutions because we believe in this ritual-as-solution to kickstarting a new resolve in one direction or another for one reason or another.  some people say 'eh, i don't make resolutions,' with a dismissive tone and detachment not unlike those who call New Year's Eve, (or st. patrick's day), "amateur night" for partiers. Resolutions on January 1 are for some, lip service to self reflection.  After all, are we not flowing and growing all year? But for those of us who need an anchor like a new year to refresh our reasons for rebooting our resolve, we announce the next rolling exhibit at Asher Love Gallery.

We ask: Can your resolution be photographed? If the answer is Yes! please send a jpg of it to asherlovegallery@gmail.com .  We're gathering the looksee @ the community's resolutions - well the community of resolutionmakers' - . Maybe its a photograph of your last pack of smokes, or new running shoes or paint brushes, or something else that represents an open heart. Make it casual or deep just turn it in quick with a couple lines about what your photo represents. Say as much as you wish. We'll take care of the rest.

good luck.


02 January 2010

don't be shy. show what you got at asher love gallery.