27 May 2010

POWER\plants on view thru June 27

an opening night artist reception for Michael Jenkins will be held on Saturday, June 5th from 6pm - 9pm. The event is free and open to the public.

The Asher Love Studio + Gallery presents “POWER\plants”, a series of oil paintings by self-taught Chattanooga artist, Michael Jenkins. This body of work, all painted on reclaimed wood combining oil paints, acrylic and spray paints, consists of imagery that forces the perspective between manmade power/energy production and its relationship to the natural environment. There are factories, nuclear plants, power poles and trees. Even the exhibition’s title is a comment on this relationship/lordship in a struggle for dominance.  An opening night reception for the artist will be held on Saturday, June 5th from 6:00pm-9pm. The event is free and open to the public. The Asher Love Gallery is located in the newly revitalized business district of downtown St. Elmo directly behind Pasha's Coffee House and Blacksmith's Bistro at the foot of Lookout Mountain. Gallery hours are Thursday and Friday 1-7pm, Saturdays 11-6 and Sundays 12noon-5pm.

contact the gallery via email at asherlovegallery@gmail.com.

a b o u t   t h e   ar t i s t

Jenkins was born in Mississippi, grew up in Alabama, and moved to Chattanooga 10 years ago. He is self-taught having received no formal training. His inspiration comes from gritty graffiti and museum works of fine art. Jenkins paints with most all types of paints, but oil is preferred. His current work is a mixture of oil, acrylic and spray paint with a focus on oil. His work has shown at many popular venues and art festivals in Chattanooga and Atlanta.

23 May 2010

Gallery's first internet broadcast. featuring Daniel Liam Gill

click the link to watch a live painting demonstration that took place on Sunday, May 23rd.
Daniel, along with his model, Kate, and a roomful of artists and many others watched the creation of  a new oil painting. Started and completed in three hours, the painting was sold immediately following the demonstration. Gill is also auctioning a pastel sketch he did in preparation for the live session. Bidding ends Friday, May 28th.

10 May 2010

Painting Demonstration + Auction with Daniel Gill

The Asher Love Studio + Gallery presents “Seeds,” a series of abstract paintings by Daniel Liam Gill. In conjunction with the art exhibit, which opened May 1st and runs thru May 30th, the artist will present a painting demonstration in the gallery during the exhibition on Sunday, May 23rd from 2pm-5pm. The session will last for three hours, where Gill will create an oil sketch from a clothed model reclining on the gallery's red leather sofa. This will be a one of a kind piece and no prints will be made from the original. The artwork will measure 14” x 18” on wood and will be auctioned to the show attendees only. You must be present during the painting demonstration session to purchase the piece. This is a rare and unique opportunity for art collectors to price and acquire an original work of art directly from an artist. It is also a chance to see the deep and diverse talents of Gill, whose beautiful Seeds exhibition of abstract paintings is drastically different from his talents as a figurative painter. There is no admission fee and the event is open to the public. For more information please contact the gallery at 423-822-0289.

this is the style of sketch and painting that Daniel will be demonstrating during the May 23rd session. 

07 May 2010


Sunday May 23rd
A special event with artist Daniel Liam Gill will take place at the Asher Love Gallery during the S e e d s exhibit. More information coming soon!