26 April 2010

in MAY ::: "Seeds" by Daniel Liam Gill

"Organelle" by Daniel Liam Gill
acrylic and colored pencil on wood
12" x 24"

o p e n i n g    n i g h t    s a t u r d a y   m a y   1st 

......come join us for the opening night reception of "Seeds" at the Asher Love Gallery in St. Elmo, Saturday, May 1 from 6pm - 9pm.We are located in the center of the revitalized st elmo biz district, right behind Blacksmith's Bistro and  Pasha's Coffee and Tea . 3914 St Elmo Avenue 423-822-0289

a r t i s t   s t a t e m e n t

My work explores the connection between the artist and the viewer, the energy exchanged between the two.
It's about emotional response, tactile, visceral, abstract, created with a limited color palette, mixing the colors on the surface. It's as much a conversation as a picture, a snapshot of emotion, a thread running between the observer and the observed.

a b o u t   t h e    a r t i s t

Daniel  Liam Gill relocated to Chattanooga, Tennessee from Portland, Oregon through the ArtsMove grant. He is currently working on the series' Connective Tissue<> and Seeds.
Daniel was born in American Falls, Idaho in the fall of 1961. He spent his formative years in the American South as an illustrator,  graphic designer and art director. Daniel taught illustration design at Portfolio Center in Atlanta, Georgia and illustration at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon. He co-founded The Illustrators’ Jam with PNCA and Raw Visceralia, an art experience.
Daniel studied pastels with Lee Bomhoff , an Atlanta artist.

He honed his figure drawing skills in Portland, Oregon, creating hundreds of works over several years. Daniel graduated to oils in 2006 and started the series Connective Tissue in 2007.

22 April 2010

Final Weekend for "Faces and Things"

In case you have not already seen the painting exhibit at Asher Love Studio + Gallery this month, you still have a few more days. Mike Holsomback's "Faces and Things" will close on Sunday, April 25th. Please include us in your weekend plans and come see the work of a very talent local artist. His paintings have been featured in the critically acclaimed "New American Paintings" magazine; he teaches art and painting at Chat State; this show and artist have been supported in part by a grant from Create Here; and three paintings sold in the first week after opening!

Come see why.....